Kali Combat System
“Integrated Fighting Art”
JKD - Wing Chun - Silat - San Shou - Jiu Jitsu - Kali - Tai Chi
The Art
We teach Kali Combat System, a powerful integrated warrior art designed for the street and for real life confrontations. The art teaches effective striking and grappling, stand up and ground, as well as weapon fighting and defense in all ranges of combat. Our Kali cohesively blends the concepts and methods of several battle tested traditional fighting arts under one comprehensive combat system. It is comprised of Bruce Lee’s self-expressive art of Jeet Kune Do, Ip Man’s efficient art of Wing Chun, Chinese mixed martial art of San Shou Gung Fu, South East Asian indigenous fighting art of Kuntao Silat, the devastating weapon based warrior art of Filipino Kali, the proven grappling art of Jiu Jitsu, and the internal health and wellbeing art of Tai Chi.
The main objective of the art is to develop the student into a well-rounded fighter in all ranges of combat, in striking and grappling, as well as weapon fighting and defense. In addition, provide a framework for leading a positive healthy way of life by following a true authentic traditional warrior path that will lead to enlightenment in the mind, uplifting of the spirit, health in the body, and honesty in the heart, while continuously evolving into being one with mind, body, and spirit.
Our Kali Combat System is comprehensive, functional, realistic, and perfectly suited for today’s modern environment.